3D CGI Animation
3D CGI Animation
3D/CGI animation is essentially a digital successor to stop-motion techniques, using 3D models. The first completely computer animated film was created in 1995, and it has since been one of the biggest markets in the world, with studios such as Pixar, Disney, DreamWorks and Sony - plus independent production companies - creating some of the medium's most memorable films. All of the animations start off with story boards which is then sent to the drawers and then sent to the animators which will take a lot of time, it took Pixar 7 years to make Toy Story.
Monsters Inc was the film that made Pixar well known and it was great CGI for the time (2001).
Dreamworks also made a 3D CGI animation and it was supposed to rival Pixar's A Bug Life and this rival is called Antz, which was made in 1998 and it was also great animation for its time.
- It looks amazing if done correctly
- It will take a lot of time to create a good 3D CGI Animation
- If there is one person who screws up, more than likely you will have to start again
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